Translating Our Manuals to Other Languages

All International Center for Reiki Training Manuals are covered under International Copyright© laws. All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced or translated by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission from the author, William Lee Rand.

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

If you wish to translate our manuals from English to another Language you will need to obtain a written contract with William Lee Rand before any work can begin. 

You will also need to be willing to complete the following to translate and sell the manuals in your country.

  • Check to see if we have a translation into your language for the manual(s) you are interested in.
  • If we do not have a translation of the manual(s) you need and are a professional translator or have previously translated written information from English into your language and are interested in translating one or more of our manuals into your language, please contact with the word Translation in the subject line to request a contract.
  • In your request for a contract, please indicate the name of each manual you would like to translate along with the copyright date and also include your name and mailing address when you request a contract.
  • You will be required to translate, format and have the hard copy manuals printed and then store and sell them or provide them to your students. You must have a professional layout/format done before printing at a professional printer. You are also required to keep accurate records of the number of manuals you have sold or given to your students.
  • At the end of each year, you will be required to send and our office at an accounting record of how many manuals you have given to your students and/or sold.
  • You will need to make a deposit into our bank account for 15% of the retail price for each manual you sold and this same amount for each manual you gave to your students. Bank Information will be provided at the time of deposits.
  • You must have a signed contract prior to any work being done.
  • You are responsible for all printing costs associated with the manuals
  • You must have a secure place for storage of all hard copy manuals.
  • You must provide PDF files of the translated manuals to and
  • You are responsible for printing, storing and selling the hard copy manuals in your country and/or providing them to your students.
  • Your students will order the digital manuals from us. They must provide us with proof of being qualified to purchase the manuals.  Reiki I&II requires no proof.  The Master classes requires sending a copy of the student certificate that qualify you to purchase the manual(s). 

We will only approve a translation request and provide a contract if no one else has previously translated an up to date manual into your language.