A Visit to The House that Reiki Built

by Muniqui Muhammad, BAS, CLC

Maui Reiki CenterAnyone who is fortunate to visit the Maui Reiki Center will be amazed and dazzled. The location of the Center, the spaciousness of it, the community that it is located in, the fresh, clean and tasty food that is available at the Center and in the local markets and the many healing activities possible are enough to impress anyone. But if you take the time to look past the ocean views and the clean air and dig deeper into the history of the Center and the man who is the owner of it, William Lee Rand, it will quickly dawn on you that this beautiful home and the location of it really could be called by another name: The House that Reiki Built or The Reiki-Built House (RBH.) The story of the RBH and how William came to own it is detailed in the Fall 2009 Edition of the Reiki News Magazine under the title “Maui Reiki Center-A Dream Come True” by William Lee Rand.

Every couple of years, William invites Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs) of the International Center For Reiki Training (The ICRT) are invited by William to his Hana home for what is known as the LRMT Retreat. Since the LRMT’s are busy throughout the year spreading Reiki knowledge and trainings, The Retreat is a way for the teachers to get to know our fellow Reiki practitioners in an environment that encourages growth and camaraderie.

When Lena Takahashi and I were invited to the Retreat by LRMT Program Co-Director Karen Harrison, I honestly did not think that I would go. I wanted Lena to go so that she could have a vacation to see some of the beauty that is Hawai‘i but as for myself… I was thinking “I’ll go next time.” However the Reiki energy started nudging me and compelling me to be a part of the retreat. I sent a combination of Holy Fire® and The Distance Symbol (HSZSN) to the journey, with the intention that I receive clarity about if I would be attending the retreat or not. I also sent the Mental & Emotional Health Frequency (SHK) combined with the Karuna Reiki®︎ frequency of Gnosa to my fears and concerns. In short order, The Divine screamed “YOU ARE GOING!!!” I surrendered to the idea that I would be leaving Japan for the first time since September 2019.

Reaching the RBH is not a simple task. It’s not a matter of hopping on a plane to Maui and then catching an Uber or Lyft. It requires prayer, planning and a lot of Reiki. Fortunately Retreat organizer and LRMT Jules Davis had everything planned out. She provided guidance on the type of car we needed to rent, recommended navigation apps, and made sure we stocked up on food in Kahului to take with us for the week.

There are two ways to get to the RBH: Fly into the Hana Airport and arrange transportation to William’s home or take one of the two scenic driving routes. Route One is known as The Road to Hana. Route Two is the drive along the scenic back road which includes one lane roads with no shoulders in a few places and a few cliffs that drop directly into the Pacific Ocean. We wanted the adventure, so we chose The Road to Hana. This road is so famous that it has its own dedicated section on any Maui related information. And there are apps available that help with navigating the 620 turns and over 59 bridges, many of them one lane. The entire drive became one big Reiki session for both Lena and me. We called upon the grounding energies of the Karuna Reiki® symbols Kyria and Rama to enhance the car's connection to the road to help ensure our safety. Additionally, we visualized the Distance Symbol (HSZSN) guiding us on the road and leading us to William’s home. We saw each turn on The Road to Hana as the many turns in the Distance Symbol and finally culminating in our arrival at the RBH. In truth, the most difficult part of the drive was not the actual driving experience. The difficult part was that there were so many scenic waterfalls and powerful expressions of nature that can make anyone want to stop along the side of the road to smell the air and take an untold amount of pictures or spend all road time in one location. Not to mention the aroma of freshly baked banana bread that is sold at places like The Garden of Eden will make you want to buy all they have in stock!

Driving up the unique road to the RBH, I felt both excited and nervous. The whole process to get to this point resembled a sacred pilgrimage - prayers, planning, preparation, sending Reiki-leading to a remote place for personal and spiritual advancement and finally, the arrival at the destination. While navigating the twists of The Road to Hana, I wondered how Mikao Usui Sensei must have felt during his own journey that led him from Kyoto to Mt. Kurama. Did he experience the same feeling of accomplishment when he saw the temple entrance that overwhelmed me when I first laid eyes on the RBH for the first time?

The atmosphere upon arriving at RBH was that was like we were at summer camp for Reiki practitioners. It was a joy getting to meet people we only interacted with online. Pam Allen LeBlanc warmly greeted us with her infectious smile and hugs, followed by Jules and Karen. As we unpacked, jokes filled the air, and we shared stories about how we invoked Reiki to guide us on our journey. It was as if we were old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a long time.

After getting settled in, having a tasty meal and getting a good night’s sleep, the following day held a special treat for William. He took us on an extended tour of the RBH, a place he had poured his time and energy into. It was evident in the installation of solar panels and batteries that environmental sustainability was important to him. The sight of large water tanks collecting rainwater and the impressive bank of solar panels connected to the batteries that gives him plenty of power while living off the grid was very impressive. William cultivated avocado and tangelo trees, limes, lemons, oranges, pineapple, bananas, breadfruit and noni fruit which provides a bounty of fresh natural fresh fruit right on his own property. The beautifully manicured lawn provided ample space for walking and meditating. The love and dedication that went into creating the RBH was palpable, and we were grateful to be in the presence of such a special place.

The ocean added another layer of majesty to our experience. Witnessing both the sunrise and sunset in one location was mind-blowing. Pam and I decided to share this breathtaking view with our friends through an early morning livestream on Facebook. If you go to our mutual Facebook pages from the first few days of 2023, you can see the videos. As we streamed the sunrise, we sent Reiki to our viewers, the land, the trees, the birds and other animals, and the whales and other life in the ocean. It was a powerful moment of connection and gratitude. We also sent Reiki to our host, William, and to the other LRMTs and student LRMTs who were still sleeping, enveloping them in the restorative energy of Reiki.

In reflecting on her experience in Maui, Pam said:

I go to the LRMT getaway at William’s whenever I can. It raises my vibration. I get to visit with my favorite people, LRMT’s, and get to know them better. William’s home is so lovely. Maui is so lovely. How can I resist? This is the third time I’ve attended this incredible retreat. What can I say? It allows me to get to know my peers better. And you will never find more wonderful, incredible people than the ICRT LRMT’s. We spent time talking about Reiki, sharing Reiki and on Reiki fueled adventures around the island. What’s not to love about that?” I grow energetically every time I go. Thank you, William. And thank you to the dear friends I have attended this time away with. I love you. I love Maui. I love Reiki. I love my life!

In addition to exploring William's home, we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the natural beauty of Hana. One of our stops was Red Sand Beach, where we played in the cool ocean and relaxed. Although I was initially nervous because I don’t know how to swim, I called on Reiki to help me to relax and confidence flowed through me. With Karen, Pam, Jules, and Lena by my side, I ventured into the water and enjoyed the experience.

After spending time in the ocean and indulging in great conversations over dinner, we headed to Wai'ānapanapa State Park the next day. The park’s beauty, black sand beach for swimming and challenging hikes awaited us. Our first challenge was reaching the sea cave. The hike was hot and the route involved us navigating hot, uneven and lava rocks. The hike tested our ankles but with teamwork, determination and lots of Reiki, we made it to the Sea Cave. William decided to go back the way we came to get his pickup truck and meet us at the end of our hike, as Jules, Pam, Lena and I continued on! Embarking on a journey along the back of Maui towards Hana Airport, we found ourselves completely alone in this secluded part of the island. The Pacific Ocean was to our right, black lava stones were everywhere and when they finally stopped, gigantic boulders were in front of us for at least a mile. All of us were chanting our Reiki symbols and asking for Divine assistance to remain focused because all it would take was one misplaced step to cause a twisted ankle. Gratefully we emerged and reunited with William and Karen at the Hana Airport. Later that night, some of us soaked in William’s hot tub to soothe our muscles.

The following day, we were excited for the Reiki Share. At least I know I was. Gathering with experienced Holy Fire®︎ Karuna Reiki®︎ Practitioners, we prepared to both give and receive Reiki. After a nourishing breakfast that included the fresh squeezed juice from the property’s fruit trees, William guided us through a special Holy Fire®︎ Meditation. The meditation centered us in the Reiki Energy and cleared away negativity or discordant energies. Throughout my Reiki Journey, I’ve learned that in addition to practicing self-Reiki for personal well-being, there are times when we benefit from receiving Reiki from another practitioner. By consciously choosing to receive Reiki from someone else, we demonstrate trust in the Universe's ability to deliver what we need through the hands of another. It also signifies our willingness to receive life-affirming care and support, enabling us to be our best selves.

So, with the music of Julie True filling the space, we took turns on the Reiki tables. The sounds of deep, calming breaths confirmed the release of stress and tension. During these sessions, Reiki also exposed small energetic "gremlins" that had been lingering within us. These little energy creatures seemed to exclaim "dagnabit!" as they hastily fled in shock, frustration, and disappointment upon their discovery. After the sessions were concluded, we sat together and discussed the impact of Reiki on our lives. We reflected on the transformative effects of our journey to the RBH and discussed our aspirations for the future. William, with his wealth of knowledge and experience in Reiki since the 80s, enlightened us with insights into the development of this powerful practice.

In the end, our adventures in Hana and the subsequent Reiki Share enriched us both physically and spiritually. The resilience we demonstrated, the bonds we forged, and the profound healing we experienced will forever hold a special place in our hearts. The RBH provided a nurturing haven for us to connect with the land of Hawai’i, with one another, and with the incredible power of Reiki. Maui, with its breathtaking landscapes and the majestic ocean, added a touch of magic to our journey. As I reflect on this remarkable experience, my heart is filled with gratitude—for the extraordinary individuals who shared this time with me, for the enchanting beauty of Maui, for the boundless love that Reiki brings into our lives, and for the profound joy I find in my own existence. Mahalo (Thank you) to William, The Directors of the LRMT program and The House that Reiki Built for making this possible.

Learn more about The House the Reiki Built.

Muniqui MuhammadMuniqui Muhammad is a Holy Fire®︎ III World Peace Karuna Reiki®︎ Master Teacher and a Professional Member of the Reiki Membership Association. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish from The University of Arizona in Tucson and has lived and worked as an English Teacher in Japan since 1998. He is also a certified Spiritual Life Coach with a Cultural Connections Specialty. Muniqui is a Certified Reiki Healing Drumming Instructor and is a graduate of the Next Step Reiki Training program of Colleen Benelli LRMT. Together with Lena Takahashi, they are co-founders of Healing Land Reiki in Japan. Muniqui can be reached on his website www.healinglandreiki.com and on Facebook and Instagram at “Healing Land Reiki.” You may reach him by email at holyfire_japan@healinglandreiki.com.